Lost Wax Casting Attempt #1
I took a casting class about a year ago and just loved it! I found some used equipment, set it up and then did nothing else for long enough to forget everything I learned!
Lucky for me, I kept a file of my notes. Of course, I had to find where I put those darn notes...
Creating the designs from wax was the easy part. It was the actual casting that I had to try to remember how to do. I made enough items for 3 flasks to experiment with for my first try.

As you can see from the photos I had several pieces where the molten silver didn't flow all the way through. When I released the centrifuge to spin the flask with the molten silver it fell off the arm! oops! I had to figure out how in the world to keep that from happening. Turns out I hadn't attached the arm properly in the first place. So, there went 2 of the flasks. Third time was a charm! As you can see the ring came out just fine.
I think this heart has a lot of potential! After it gets cleaned up I might layer it with some enameling...
Stay tuned for when I get these items cleaned up and try some new pieces! But don't hold your breath 'cause it may take another year.
Be Creative Today!